

Aggregating Skeptical Thought

“Don’t worry. I’m in charge”, 2007-02-28

You ever get the feeling the guy running the joint doesn’t know what he’s doing. BBC seems to have dug up proof that indeed someone should be raising questions about the worthiness of Israel’s Defense Minister to lead. Peretz hasn’t been very popular since the Lebanon skirmish but this just takes the cake. Almost feel sorry for him…almost.

Filed under: Politics

Confirmation bias in expectations, 2007-02-28

The folks over at Marginal Revolution have a great article on “confirmatory biases“. Something even skeptics have to be careful of, I know I do.

Personally I think every idea no matter how crazy should be given a fair shake especially if it presents a new and interesting twist on something. Of course, I say that but every time the Discovery Institute or Art Bell comes out with something I discard it out of hand.

Do as I say not as I do. Mister.

Technorati Skeptic

Filed under: Science

Bad Astronomer vs. Joe Rogan, 2007-02-28

 I know this has been out there for awhile but it’s worth collecting and sharing nonetheless.

Phil Plait, the Bad Astronomer, has several blog posts regaling us with tales of battling Moon Landing Hoaxers. He’s split it into 3 parts, (Part I, Part II and of course Part III). Each post also contains links to the original radio show and Penn & Teller’s Showtime show.

He’s also got a number of resources available to educate yourself on some of the “evidence” of a Moon Landing hoax.

Technorati Skeptic

Filed under: Science

The problem of energy production, 2007-02-28

Josh Rosenau has a great post over at ScienceBlogs about energy production in the US and how alternative energy solutions can play a part as well as the difficulties faced.

Technorati Skeptic

Filed under: Environment

TXU Corp. buyout tainted green?, 2007-02-28

I have always been a firm believer that the fastest way to get American industry to get on board with environmental causes is to make it financially smart to do so. Christian Science Monitor has an article pertaining to the buyout of TXU Corp., a Texas electric company, that has the buyers planning on sharply reducing the number of new coal-fired plants to built.

Technorati Skeptic

Filed under: Environment

Western Utilities open to curbing greenhouse gases, 2007-02-28

BusinessWeek reports that Oregon utilities are open to the idea of curbing greenhouses gases particularly if there is a national approach.

A national plan only makes sense. Think about it from a business perspective why would you incur the necessary expense of emissions reduction technology or management of a cap and trade system when your competition doesn’t. I think its a selling point but I’m probably the minority.

Technorati Skeptic

Filed under: Environment

The Smithsonian’s Small problem, 2007-02-27

I hadn’t thought about the Privileged Planet fiasco since it happened but this recent post by Josh Rosenau brought it all back to me. I too have to ask, “Why is Lawrence Small’s still there?”


Filed under: Science

Cuba blows, 2007-02-27

Cuba has opened an experimental wind farm and plans another one. Hmm. Not sure what to make of this. Good news I guess.


Filed under: Environment

Orac’s turn at Mr. Egnor, 2007-02-27

Looks like Mr. Egnor is getting under everyone’s skin. Here is a post over at ScienceBlogs by Orac pointing further problems with Egnor’s claims.

I will tell you that these posts are really fascinating to me because I talk with people just like this guy all the time and these counter arguments are very helpful. Much better than I could ever come up with.


Filed under: Evolution

The Mind and Evolution, 2007-02-27

The Mind and Evolution, is a great article on being skeptical about the application of evolutionary psychology. I have always been a little wary of the application of evolutionary psychology however I don’t know much about psychology beyond entry-level college courses so I’ve always chalked up my skepticism to my lack of understanding. I guess I’m not alone.

I can see how this discipline could be used to understand general or group behaviors but to apply it to individual cases just doesn’t *feel right*. How’s that for science 😉


Filed under: Evolution


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